Safeguarding & Welfare
Wallsend Harriers & AC are committed to ensuring a safe athletics environment for all. We believe that everyone involved in athletics should enjoy their participation and development in a safe environment, with protection from abuse, ill treatment and/or abuse. Every individual involved in athletics events and programmes is responsible for upholding this belief.
We all have a responsibility to safeguard children and adults who are experiencing, or are at risk of, abuse and neglect. The safeguarding policies and procedures below outline what child and adult safeguarding is and what to do if you have a concern.
Welfare Officers
We have two welfare officers, Lynne Shaw & Emma Osbourn-Plummer, they are the club’s designated safeguarding leads. Welfare officers are not members of the club’s committee, therefore both welfare officers are independent of the committee. You can contact them via
The welfare officers’ role is to:
- Be available to any club member who has concerns or issues about another club member and/or any aspect of the running of the club, independent of the committee.
- Advise and support the club officers and committee to implement welfare policies and procedures, and to support the club to adhere to codes of conduct and good practice.
- Respond to suspected breaches of the safeguarding policies.
- Report any concerns about child and adult abuse to the UKA Lead Safeguarding Officer in the first instance.
Wallsend Harriers & AC Child Safeguarding & Welfare Policy
Wallsend Harriers & AC Adult Safeguarding & Welfare Policy