The Toby 2015 – It’s back!

The annual Toby is now part of Wallsend Harriers legend. Will you be part of this year’s story?

As club members we are all fortunate to be able to run and the Toby gives us the opportunity to do something extraordinary for a great cause. Since 2008 the annual Toby has raised money for St Oswald’s Hospice, which has cared for the loved ones of some of our club members. This year we are likely to break the £25,000 barrier in total money raised for St Oswald’s over the years!

The Toby involves a weekend of running which is a chance get to know new people you wouldn’t normally run with and have a laugh. There is a strong possibility that you will run more miles than you thought possible and might accidentally get lost somewhere along the route! (Hopefully not!)

This year we will be running in 6 mile ‘relay’ stages along the well signposted Sustrans Coast and Castles cycle route which starts in Edinburgh and finishes nearly 200 miles later in Tynemouth via Melrose, Berwick and Bamburgh, through beautiful scenic countryside. The Toby will take place between Friday 21 and Sunday 23 August 2015.

Contributions for accommodation and some meals will be £60. We have a limited number of 25 spaces this year and it will be on a first come, first served basis but names will only be added to the list once you have paid your £60. The deadline for signing up and paying your money is 5 May 2015.

Once we reach our limit we will have a reserve list of runners.

Although this is a fun weekend the main reason for taking part in the Toby is to raise money for St

Oswald’s so we ask that each runner raises a minimum of £50 in sponsorship. We will be setting up a group justgiving page as in previous years to make raising and collecting sponsor money easier and quicker.

If you have any questions, please ask Kevin Payne or any of the previous Toby runners.

Sign up and pay your money quick! This is a weekend that you don’t want to miss!!


Here is a video from the last Coast & Castles Toby:

Information and photos of the Toby from previous years can be found here:

Subs for 2015 are now due

Annual subs are now due.  As agreed at the last AGM subs have increased to £45.  Please ensure you pay this by 31 May 2015.  Any questions, please contact Elaine Liu (Treasurer) or Mick Day (Membership Secretary).

Junior subs are also due junior fees have been held at £20.

We are going to trial paying subs only directly into the club’s bank account.  Currently you can pay subs via Paypal but this incurs an additional fee which goes directly to Paypal.  Details of the club’s bank account and instructions can now be found in the members’ only section of the website.  If you have any questions, please contact me. (Elaine Liu)

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